
This Blog is dedicated to God and is part of an assigment from school to create a blog but I hope that through these bible verses and small devotions that you may be blessed and that you may get closer to God. I know that even though I may be writing this blog to help other people to learn what the Bible says about how to live I also will be learning for this isn't only for other people but for me too because, nobody on this earth is perfect but we should stride to be living holy until we go to heaven where our imperfections will be nomore.God Bless.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

proverbs 13:4

4 The lazy will not get what they want,
       But those who work hard will.

Isn't this so true? Everyone in this world has a desire for something whether it is to go to the movies on Saturday or wanting to become a doctor when they grow up but we all have a dream a desire. But what does it take to reach our goals? WORK. Just like it says in the passage above. The Lazy will not get what they want. Why? because they aren't doing anything  if I’m sitting on the couch but whining that I want to go to the movies but don’t have any money to go to the movies Saturday how I’m a going to expect for money to just magically appear? If I want to go to the movies on Saturday I have to get off my lazy butt and go for money like mowing a lawn or doing extra chores anything to get the money. How do you think millionaires get rich? (other than lottery winners) they work for it and hard FACEBOOK didn't create it's self it had to be created by a man who spent sleepless night for weeks and still when it came out to keep working on it and improve it to make it famous and is now a world renown website. If you want to get what you want in life work for it and don't lose your motivation because, staying at home sitting on the couch won’t make you be closer to reaching your goal but will only be delaying it. If you do what you have always done you will get what you always have gotten.

preoverbs 13:1

The first thing that this proverb starts with is wise people listen to their parent’s advice and instruction. But this isn't just reserved for parent but for life in general. Think of all the great people that have lived through the years do you think that they were never given advice or constructive criticism? Of course they did but that is what helped make them great. the bible in his passage basically says that if you are smart you will listen to advice because it will save you all of the trouble of having to go through what other people have already gone through and if someone can save you the time and energy of going through something the hard way listen to them because it will make your life a lot easier. So today save yourself the trouble and listen to what people have to say.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be Relentless in your search of God and you will be blessed beyond your greatest imagination

Some people ask that even though they are a christian why doesn't God work in their lives or even seem to be even interested in their every day lives and what I have to say to this is be relentless. For God to work in your life you have to be relentless in your time of seeking God. How can you be relentless? first of all have faith. For if you have faith in God you will please him because in the book of Hebrews 11:6 it says that without faith one cannot please God. Second you must forget about your past mistakes and your past attempts to be relentless in your walk with God and you have to captivate your mind with the thought of; I am not perfect nor will I be in the future but I seek God relentlessly I will be rewarded greatly for it beyond my greatest imagination. So I encourage you to read Genesis chapter 32 and read about how Jacob wrestled with God for a life changing blessing and his relentlessness that got him his blessing. So I encourage you that if you are down get up and if you are up go foward and if you are going forward go harder and faster than ever before but most of all

Thursday, September 15, 2011

proverbios 14:9

Usted sabe que no encuentra la reconciliación mucho hoy en día en nuestro mundo cotidiano! los adolescentes son rebeldes a sus padres. El divorcio se encuentran en un máximo histórico y la violencia se está librando en todo el mundo especialmente en Europa, America Latina y en Medio Oriente donde la paz en esa region parece ser una meta que nunca se cumplen. La gente le gusta aferrarse a la amargura del pasado y guardar rencor contra su projimo, pero esto ha llevado a lo que el mundo es ahora. Pero les animo hoy que si a alguien le haz hecho mal no nomas no les hablarles más y tener la amargura y la ira entre ustedes. Pero pregúntate"¿cómo puedo yo quedarme bien con esta persona?" no tienes que ser mejores amigos después de quedarse bien, pero es mejor estar bien con esa persona por que si no entonces traera la ira y rencor que te matara por adentro. Es como cuando uno de mis amigos me dijo." Tener un resentimiento o la ira es como tomar veneno y esperar que la otra persona muera".

proverbs 14:9 Fools make fun of guilt but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation

You know we don't find much reconciliation today in our everyday world now do we! teens are rebellious to their parents divorce rates are at a all time high and violence is raging all over the world. Especially in Europe, Latin America and in the Middle East where peace seems to be a goal that is never being meet. People like to hold on to past bitterness and grudges one against another. But this has lead to what the world is now cold hearted. But I encourage you today that if you wrong someone don't just not talk to that person anymore and have bitterness and anger between you but ask yourself "how can I make things right with this person". You don't have to be best of friends after but its better to have things right between you too then to have anger engulf you because, having anger or a grudge against another person will hurt you more then it'll hurt them. I think the best example was when one of my friends said having a grudge or unresolved anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. So I encourage you forgive and forget because, remember the Bible says in Matthew 6:15 "If you refuse to forgive others, your father in heaven will not forgive your sins". So fix your broken relationships and strengthen and restore the ones you have and may God Almighty Bless you greatly.